Ваш навигатор
в океане бизнеса
8 (423) 275-23-85
  • Поставка товаров
    из Китая
  • Строительные
  • Детские товары
    и игрушки

About Salmon Logistic

SALMON company offers services for the organization of wholesale deliveries of goods from China and other Pacific Rim countries. Our main task - to meet customer needs, providing him the best service and product quality.

The favorable geographical location of Vladivostok, experience and professionalism employees of our company, long-term operation and partnership with suppliers from China - the factors providing an opportunity to build an optimal logistics scheme, allows you to quickly and with minimal financial cost to provide the delivery of your goods under the scheme door-to-door . SALMON provides a comprehensive logistics system, which connects foreign manufacturers and consumers in Russia.

In the services of our company, in addition to the target supply is a proposal for logistics. A vivid example is the search for the product you interested in, in China and its delivery with guaranteed quality. On the basis of close and long-term cooperation SALMON company is ready to assist its customers in organization of supplies and material support.

The main objective of our company is to meet the needs of the customer with the best possible economic efficiency.

SALMON - an individual approach to each client. Cooperation with us will create for you safe conditions for the successful development of your business. In the face of our company, you will gain a reliable business partner.

We will be pleased to provide you with a full range of cargo delivery at a convenient time and place.

Company SALMON - a reliable partner of your business, which will provide an efficient flow of trade and information flows on the supply chain.

Contacting us, you get the full package of services. Solution of your problems - our goal and for this we have all the tools!